How Trzop Architekci Brought Silence and Tranquility to the L’Oreal Office

L'Oreal Interior with Mute acoustic ceiling

When L’Oreal Polska was on the hunt for new headquarters, The Warsaw Breweries ticked every box. Located in the heart of the city, The Gatehouse Offices is an expansive urban space of over 15,000 square metres, encapsulating energy and entrepreneurial innovation. To make the best use of that energy, they needed to create an atmosphere where ideas are naturally born and flourish. 

At a glance

Industry Personal Care, Beauty
Location Warsaw, Poland
Number of employees 500
Square metres 15 k
Client Trzop Architekci

The challenge

Before moving into their new home, L’Oreal envisaged a space that offered their staff tranquility to focus, alongside a warm ambiance that would help collaboration become smooth and seamless. The lighting design was entrusted to the renowned Polish architectural studio, Trzop Architekci. They came to the venture with a rich history of designing office spaces for the largest domestic and foreign corporations across the Polish market.

“We were extremely happy to have a chance to create a part of L’Oreal’s world in such a prestigious location. One of our main challenges was to create spectacular and well-designed lighting solutions, that at the same time would be an effective sound absorber as sound reverberation from the ceiling could be a potentially severe acoustic problem. Especially in open-plan offices, full of closely collaborating employees.”

Bartosz Trzop, Trzop Architekci

L'Oreal Interior with Mute acoustic ceiling

The Solution

Trzop offered L’Oreal to construct unique suspended lighting for the workstations in open spaces and conference rooms. Lamps were meant to create an oasis of calm. To make it happen architects used 700 custom-made Blocks, very powerful sound absorbers from the Mute offer. Acoustic panels complemented the stunning golden metallic lighting components by Plus Lighting.

As Bartosz Trzop indicated, Blocks were perfect to use because of their versatile nature and acoustic parameters – they are Class A in the sound absorption classification and they perform especially well when faced with low, mid, and high tones.

“The main goal was to create an acoustic atmosphere that allows innovation to flourish. The result of our cooperation with Mute was a beautiful mix that implemented style and acoustic functionality. We are proud to say that the final effect was highly appreciated by the Client.”

Bartosz Trzop, Trzop Architekci

L'Oreal Interior with Mute acoustic ceiling

The result

Adding Mute’s sound absorbers throughout L’Oreal’s stunning headquarters proves that Blocks panels can be an effective element for creating unique and customized, one-of-a-kind office acoustic solutions.

Moreover, it shows that an acoustic comfort is always immediately appreciated by employees and can help a company to achieve its goals. After all, silence is beautiful, isn’t it?

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